Ultraterrestrial was conceived through a synthesis of inspiration from two sources. The word "ultraterrestrial" in Philip K Dick's novel "Valis" is defined as "a superior, non-human entity of natural or supernatural origin that is indigenous to planet earth." In other words, aliens are among us! At the same time, trademarks from the 20s, 30s, and 40s, made for everyday products like shampoo and spark plugs were filled with wit and imagination. Ultraterrestrial was born to make fun, colorful products inspired by these passions, including stickers, pinback buttons, keychains, jewelry, tshirts, and artwork for those wanting to adorn themselves and their lives with things that are cartoony, colorful, and perfectly bizarre.
Materials: New
Location: Dubuque, IA
Etsy: etsy.com/shop/ultraterrestrial
Instagram: @ultra_terrestrial